Baldeneysee (Lake Baldeney)

Lake Baldeney with Carl Funke Colliery | © Jochen Tack/Stadt Essen
Lake Baldeney | © Daniel Müller/Stadt Essen
Weiße Flotte Baldeney on Baldeneysee | © Diana Blinkert/EMG

An ordinary summer’s day in Essen: hop on the bike and off down to the Baldeneysee (Lake Baldeney). Here in Essen’s far south the city is at its best. Down on the "See", as locals call the eight kilometres of reservoir for short, there is a holiday mood. And even if it be only for one afternoon – tennis balls plop, golf balls click and the gentle wind blows the sails of the many dinghies that cross to and fro between rowing boats, kayaks and surf boards.

The fact that the lake is more than just a favourite spot for water sports can be put down to the well-constructed cycle path that hems its banks. There are no difficult hills here - and racing cyclists share the smooth asphalt of the 14-kilometre round course with inline skaters and cycling families with small children. And neither the anglers on the banks nor the ducks and swans are taken in by all this.

Baldeney White Fleet
The Baldeney White Fleet sets sail from April to October – for tours of Essen’s home waters and for cruises along the Ruhr River to the neighbouring city of Muelheim – shore leave in Essen-Kettwig included upon request.

Information White Fleet
Weiße Flotte Baldeney GmbH
Hardenbergufer 379
45239 Essen
Tel.: +49 201 185799-0
Fax: +49 201 185799-19

Further information


address and contact

Baldeneysee (Lake Baldeney)

Freiherr-vom-Stein Str. 206 a
45133 Essen