Margarethenhöhe Garden Town

Margarethenhöhe | © Alice Förster/EMG
Am Brückenkopf | © Diana Blinkert/EMG
Margarethenhöhe estate | © Diana Blinkert/EMG

A jewel of the city! - The Margarethenhöhe is one of the loveliest examples of the German garden city idea. This area of the city is idyllic and was donated in 1906 by Margarethe Krupp on the occasion of her daughter Bertha’s wedding. Maximum two storeys high, comfortably equipped flats for workers and employees were developed following the plans of architect Georg Metzendorf.

Even though the area gives a feeling of unity, no house is the same. Various design elements such as bow fronts and hedgerows, arched gables, plaster and natural stone foundations were used to give homes individual appearances. The Ruhr Museum is in charge of a show flat on the Margarethenhöhe which is modelled on an original. The estate has been under historical preservation since 1987.

Guided tours
Tours through the Margarethenhöhe garden town are available through the Bürgerschaft Essen-Margarethenhöhe e.V.
Registration: +49 201 712455 or 712840

Guided tours of the show flat are arranged by the Ruhr Museum
Registration: +49 201 8845200, E-Mail:


address and contact

Margarethenhöhe Garden Town

Am Brückenkopf 8
45149 Essen